I have for a long time been blogging with wordpress on my domain, and has had difficulties learning the way around how it has been set up.. And the way of getting the blog to look the way I want it to. Ao I guess you could say that has made me not want to blog because things has not been the way I wanted to..
Men så fant jeg ut at jeg kunne prøve meg på en ny blogg, en enklere oppsatt en, og her er vi nå.. Når jeg nå har fått opp denne bloggen via blogger på domenet mitt så tror jeg at det blir lettere å blogge, iallefall uten å plages slik som jeg gjorde med wordpress.
But then I thought I could try a new blog, a simpler one, and here we are now.. Now that I have gotten this blog up on my domain through blogger, I think it will be easier to blog. Because I don't have problems using blogger like I had with wordpress.
Jeg har ingen anelse om hva denne bloggen blir å inneholde, det har jeg bestemt meg for at det finner jeg utav etterhvert, for jeg blogger når jeg har lyst og om det jeg engasjerer meg i..
I have absolutely no idea about what this blog will be about or what it will contain, that I have decided to find out as time goes by, because I am going to blog when I want to and about whatever I am interested in..
But i have to admit, there is a huge possibility that there will be a lot of knitting and such here..
Jeg liker strikking, brodering, hekling og mye mer.. Jeg er et kreativt, spontant og smilende menneske!
I like knitting, stitching, crochet and a lot more.. I am a creative, taking things as it comes and a smiling person!
En periode drev jeg mye med maling på tre-figurer, altså feks julebilder med nisser på tre-fjøler osv.. En annen periode var jeg veldig engasjert i å lage og male gips-figurer.. Og i en annen periode var jeg engasjert i å lage trolldeig-figurer..
I had one period were I painted christmas-pictures on wooden plates... Another were I painted and made various figures in "gips" (need to check dictionary for the word).. And another period were I made "trolldeig-figurer" (need my dictionary again, Brigit!)..
Jeg liker fortsatt å fotografere - jeg har hatt det som favoritthobby i mange år, ved siden av strikkingen, heklingen og broderingen og alt annet jeg sysler med..
I still like to take pictures - that has been my favourite hobby for many years, togheter with the knitting, the crochet and the stitching and everything else I do..

Eva har arvet min intresse for håndarbeide og kunst generelt, hun strikker, hekler og hakker, tar bilder og spiller håndball for Utleira IL. Til høsten begynner hun på ungdomsskolen, tiden har flydd avgårde siden hun ble født på TSS i Skien.
Eva has inherited my intrest in crafts and art in general, she knits, does crochet and "hakker" (Where is my dictionary when I need it??), takes pictures and plays handball for Utleira IL. The next school year she will start in the 8th grade, times has flown away since she was born at TSS in Skien.
Faktum om meg er at jeg er HildeGV, det er kallenavnet mitt på forkjellige håndarbeids-forumer på nettet.
Facts about me is that I am HildeGV, that is my name on various crafts-forums on the internet.
Jeg har en datter, Eva på snart 13 år, og er gift med Per Ivar, siden 2001. Vi er bosatt i Trondheim (som er hans hjemby), og jeg er opprinnelig fra Stallogargo, som er ei lita bygd i Finnmark.
I have a daughter, Eva that soon will be 13 years old, and I am married to Per Ivar, and has been since 2001. We live in Trondheim (his hometown) and I am from Stallogargo, a small village in Finnmark.
Og akkurat idag fyller jeg 38 år, hipp hurra for meg selv, hehe!
And today I am 38 years old, hipp hurra for my self, hehe!
(Brigit from The Netherlands asked me to translate my beautiful Norwegian language to English, so that others also could read my blog, and of course I had to! I'm sorry I didn't think of it when I wrote this post earlier, but at least I got to do it now!)
Gratulerer med dagen!